Saturday, January 24, 2009

Barrack Obama's great impact on the sports world.

On January 20th, One day after Martin Luther King day we welcomed our 44th president of the United States. 44 and he is the first African American president. He will have alot of pressure on him and will have alot to do but Mr. Obama is not only going to be affecting the world of politics. He will also have a very positive impact on the sports world. We have already seen athletes commenting on how big this is and we saw athletes such as Ray Allen at President Obama's inaguration. We have seen former presidents come in who have a sports background such as George W Bush who was involved in the Texas Rangers francise but President Obama is different. President Obama has a passion for basketball and has played many times and still loves to play. He is actually pretty good too as we have seen clips of him playing. I also saw President Obama during one of his many apperances on inaguration day talking to soldiers in Iraq from his hometown of Illinois and asking them if they where Cubs fans or White Sox fan. President Obama is a white sox fan himself and said that he really hopes that they can come to the White House during his term as do all sports teams. The NBA is majorly affected by our new president because a large majority of the NBA is African American and they are very touched by him becoming president. One superstar who I am a big fan of, Gilbert Arenas, said in his own blog on November 15th of 2008 "At my house in the garage I had a mural of me airbrushed on the wall as the black president. After Obama won the Democratic ticket about a month and a half ago, I had him airbrushed on there next to me. When he won, I had the mural painted over and I'm going to have a new one airbrushed on there with the presidential shield and the whole Obama family" Arenas is just one of many NBA stars who are impacted by him. And of course there is our president saying that he would like to change the NCAA football BCS system and add in a playoff system like everyone wants. Right now I want president Obama to focus on the economy and our US but I thank him for caring about sports and I solomly swear I will be behind you President Obama. Good luck.

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